Monday, January 8, 2018

Building the Perfect You

Training for Building The Perfect You
Trust me you don’t have to work out day and night for achieving a perfect physique. Just keep in mind the following tips and see the difference in your body yourself.

First of all know your body well. Different body types are meant to master different activities. Everyone is made up of a different composition, so watch yours.
After knowing your body type, choose the activities which you like to do most. Some have a natural inclination towards running, while some prefer weight lifting. Remember that knowing your interest and body–type will help in charting out the perfect workout plan that will go a long way in achieving a perfect physique.

Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health. After all, physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight — even boost your self-esteem. And the benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

When you design your fitness program, consider your fitness goals. Think about your fitness likes and dislikes, and note your personal barriers to fitness. Then consider practical strategies for keeping your fitness program on track.
By planning carefully and pacing yourself, you can make fitness a healthy habit that lasts a lifetime.

Stretching is a powerful part of any exercise program. Most aerobic and strength training programs inherently cause your muscles to contract and flex. Stretching after you exercise promotes equal balance. Stretching also increases flexibility, improves range of motion of your joints and boosts circulation. Stretching can even promote better posture and relieve stress.

As a general rule, stretch whenever you exercise. If you don't exercise regularly, you might want to stretch at least three times a week to maintain flexibility. When you're stretching, keep it gentle. Breathe freely as you hold each stretch. Try not to hold your breath. Don't bounce or hold a painful stretch. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching. If you feel pain, you've gone too far.
Pay attention to your diet no matter what situation you face in your life. Remember that right nutrition is the key to everything. Instilling the right kind and amount of fuel in your body machine can provide you with the right physique. Include healthy foodstuffs, fruits, lots of greens and lean proteins in your diet as they are secret to good health. If your diet is rich in calories, then make sure to go for enough exercising otherwise it can lead to weight gain. Ensure that you have a diet rich in proteins to increase your lean muscle mass. Have right quantities of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet.
Having five to six small meals a day benefits you leaps and bounds. It increases your body’s metabolism, thus burning more calories of your body.

Exercising for the Perfect You
You can use barbells and dumbbells to sculpt you body. The right way to do this is to work the portion of each muscle that the average bodybuilder neglects, and to work those portions within your own individual abilities, along with proper nutrition or course.

In order to proportion each muscle properly, you will workout only one exercise per muscle and this will be the exercise that will bring out the right part of the muscle we want to build. This allows you to put all your energy into building that one exercise, this along with 100% recuperation will bring about very fast growth.

The lateral raise builds the side deltoid and sculpts wide shoulders.
Here is the right way to do lateral raises to build very wide shoulders. Standing, take two dumbbells and hold them in front of your hips with the palms facing each other. The plates of the dumbbells should be touching. From this position raise out to the sides with the elbows unlocked and slightly bent. Travel upwards until the bells have reached the level of the top of your ears.

The palms are down and knuckles are in the up position. Never let the front of the bells raise higher than the back. It is important you keep the front of the bells lower than the back when you reach the upper position. Do not let the bells swing back and keep them slightly in front of the body at all times.

Do not jerk swing the dumbbells up and do not let them simply drop down. You must keep total control throughout the entire movement and make the delts do the work. Swinging the dumbbells up due to excessive weight will not produce results.


Dips on a parallel bar that is 33" wide, if it is not you will not receive the intended benefit from this movement. Anything wider or narrower will not work the pectorals as desired. The most important execution of the movement is in the elbows: They must be wide and straight out from the shoulders. The head has to be in a down position with the chin resting on the upper chest and the back should be rounded forward.

Cross your feet and make certain they are slightly in front of your face, not back. Dip down as far as possible and return as high as you can. Never change this position as it isolates the pectoral muscles and limits the involvement of the triceps. Performing the movement with the elbows in will emphasize more triceps than pectorals.


Lat Pulls. In order for this movement to produce the intended results you must use a pulley that is 6' off the ground.

Hands must be spaced close together. Grasp the handle and lean forward as far as you can with your knees slightly bent and let your head travel between your arms. From this position, start pulling the handle back and sit back at the same time.

As you pull and sit back the chest should travel up until you reach a perpendicular position. At this point the chest is very high and the shoulders are drawn back and down for a full contraction of the lats. Keep your knees in the slightly bent position throughout the movement.


Triceps rope pulldown. If you do not have a "V" bench you can use any flat bench. If you do not have access to a pulley 6' off the floor nothing you do will work the same. The pulley cable must be 10' long and once again, 6' off the floor.

Reach back over your head and grab the ends of a knotted rope attached to the pulley and cable. With the elbows and head resting on the bench, pull to arms length and lockout. When you let the rope back to the starting position make certain your hands touch the upper back.

If you do not have a bench you can perform in the standing position as shown in the video. This is very effective and you will love the results!


Barbell curl. Start by resting your elbows on your pelvis or hip bones and your body inclined with head and shoulders in back of the hips. As the barbell is curled the first 10 or 12 inches start moving the body, head and shoulders, forward until your body is in erect position. Then as you continue to curl the barbell incline your body, head and shoulders, forward and complete the movement with a forceful contraction of the biceps. Now reverse the sequence as you lower the barbell to the starting position. It should take you about 6 seconds to perform one curl.

To begin with practice using only a bar with no weights to get the movement down part. It does take a great deal of getting use to and must be performed as outlined in order to provide the results it can.


Thigh squat. Start the movement as you would a squat, with the bar high on the chest resting on the front of the deltoids. Place your heels about 12 inches wide and on a 2 x 4. From this position begin your descent but keep your hips forward and under your shoulders at all times. As you rise up, the hips move forward until they are well out in front of the body. In the top position your knees should remain bent and your hips out in front of your shoulders and your shoulders over your heels.
This movement requires a great amount of practice to perfect. It is extremely difficult to perform. Leave your ego at home when attempting this movement as the weight you use is not important.


Calf raise. For this movement, it will be assumed you have access to a standing calf machine. If you do not you can use a belt and chain and hang a dumbbell between your knees. Place the ball of your feet and toes on a block 3" tall. Feet are to be placed parallel, 4 inches apart. Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the movement. As you rise up on your toes, bring your heels together and place the full load of the weight on your big toe and the toe next to it. Contract forcefully and lower all the way down for a full stretch.


Frog sit ups. Lie flat on your back and draw your heels up under your hips wide and out to the sides like a frog. Your hands should be crossed and touching opposite shoulders or lightly touching your ears. Curl the head down with the chin to the chest as the shoulders round forward curling the upper body until only the small of the back remains in contact with the floor.

This movement is not a stiff back sit up, it is a roll movement and you must perform it as such for it to produce results.
The Routine:

For all the exercises mentioned above, perform 3 sets of 8 reps each.

If you are a Runner- like I am, this section is for you!

Health Benefits for Runners

Running is one of the best activities most people can do to improve their health. Running regularly can help with weight loss, fighting aging and disease, and with generally staying healthy.

Many people start running in order to win the battle of the bulge. Whether they are obese or just want to lose that last five pounds, or even if they just want to stay at the weight they are at, approximately 60% of runners start running to manage their weight. Running is one of the top activities for burning fat. In fact, with the exception of cross country skiing, running burns more calories per minute than any other form of cardiovascular exercise.

Running regularly also has been proven to help fight the aging process. It prevents muscle and bone loss that often occur with age. Our bones are made to accommodate the demands placed upon them. By sitting at a computer all day many of us allow our bones to grow weaker, but by running regularly our skeleton gets the demand it needs to stay healthy. In addition to keep our insides from aging quickly, regular, high-intensity exercise, like running, has also been proven to promote the human growth hormone, which celebrities have taken injections of for years to keep them looking young.

Amazingly running also helps to fight disease. Running reduces the risk of stroke and breast cancer. Regular running has become a treatment option for doctors to prescribe to patients who are at a high risk, or early stages, of osteoporosis, diabetes, and hypertension. It reduces the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart and lowering blood pressure. Running lowers blood pressure and maintains the elasticity of arteries incredibly well because as you run your arteries expand and contract nearly three times as much as usual.
Running also helps maintain and improve general health. It raises HDL (or "good") cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots, and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused. Running also boost the immune system by creating a higher concentration of lymphocytes (white blood cells that attack disease).


Shin splints are a common beginner's injury, so many seasoned runners assume they're immune. But medial tibial stress syndrome, the top cause of shin splints, is usually triggered by overtraining--something that can befall even experienced runners. If you feel soreness or pain along your shinbone while running, check your training log. Chances are you've increased your mileage or intensity too much without enough rest. Other causes include running on hard or uneven road surfaces and wearing worn-out shoes. Stretching, strengthening, icing, and replacing shoes are effective rehab strategies (see below). If your pain persists, you might have a stress fracture or compartment syndrome, conditions that require a doctor's care.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At the first sign of discomfort, take a few days off from running. You can cross-train, but stick to low-impact activities like swimming, pool running, or cycling. Take anti-inflammatory medications and rub your shins with ice for 10 minutes after exercise. Replace your running shoes if they've logged 300 to 500 miles. Build range of motion in your calves and strengthen your shin muscles. When you return to running, start slowly, gradually increase your miles, and stick to softer surfaces when possible. To prevent a relapse, continue to stretch and strengthen even after your symptoms fade.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Get Flexible----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Sit tall in a chair with knees bent 90 degrees, feet flat on the ground. Keeping your right heel on the ground, gently raise your right forefoot up and back toward your shin until you reach a point of slight discomfort. Return it to the ground. Repeat 10 times with each foot.
2 From the same position, lift your right forefoot up, and trace the letter "J" in the air with your foot. Return it back to the ground. Repeat 10 times with each foot.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Strong
1 Sit tall in a chair with your right leg extended and an ankle weight on your foot. Slowly draw your toes back until you reach a point of slight discomfort. Then extend your toes forward until you feel tension. Repeat 10 times with each foot.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 On a stair step, stand on the balls of your feet, heels over the edge. Slowly raise your heels, then lower them below the starting position. Repeat 10 times--and do 10 more reps with your toes inward and then outward.

The Best Running Shoe for You!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cushioned Shoes

You should wear cushioned shoes if you are a runner who needs maximum midsole cushioning and minimum medial (arch-side) support. These shoes are best suited for biomechanically efficient runners (you don't overpronate), and midfoot or forefoot strikers. Runners who do best in cushioned shoes often have moderate to high arches.

Motion Control Shoes

You should wear motion-control shoes if you are a runner who overpronates moderately to severely. Motion-control shoes will give you maximum rearfoot control and extra support on the medial (arch) side of the foot. Motion-control shoes are also best suited for big or heavy runners who need plenty of support and durability. These runners often have low arches (flat feet).
Performance Training Shoes

You should wear performance-training shoes if you are a runner who wants a light, well-balanced shoe suitable for racing, speedwork, or daily training. These shoes are best-suited for fast, efficient runners who want to train in them. Moderate overpronators can also train and race in some of these shoes.

Racing Shoes

You should wear racing shoes if you have a biomechanically efficient stride, don't have any current injuries, and want an exceptionally fast, lightweight shoe for races. Many runners use performance training shoes or their regular training shoes for races.

Stability Shoes

You should wear stability shoes if you are a runner who needs medial (arch-side) support and good midsole cushioning. These shoes are best suited for runners who are mild to moderate overpronators, and/or need added support and durability.

Trail Shoes

You should wear trail shoes if you are a runner who frequently runs off-road, and are looking for rugged shoes with great outsole traction and some weather- and water-resistant qualities. Many trail shoes are built low-to-the-ground for added stability on rough trails.

Pronation Explained

When you run or walk, you land on the outside edge of your foot and roll inward. This entirely normal inward rolling is called pronation. For most runners, the pronation stops at a healthy point. However, some runners roll inward too much. This excessive inward rolling is called overpronation. Runners who overpronate should wear motion-control shoes, which contain special foams and devices that are designed to limit overpronation. How can you tell if you overpronate? Here's the easiest way. Take off your shoes, whether your normal work-a-day shoes or your running shoes, and put them on a table with the heels facing out toward you. Now study the heels. If they are fairly straight and tall, you do not have an overpronation problem. If the heels tilt inward (toward the arches), on the other hand, you are probably an overpronator, and should try motion-control shoes. Many (but not all) overpronators are bigger, heavier runners with flat feet.

Optimum Nutrition

Healthy Eating for Every Body Shape

What you eat and drink, coupled with your exercise routine, affects your body condition. Regardless of your basic shape, your proportions and your scale, you will look your best when you take care of your body from within as well as from out, and learn to view food and drink as fuel for your health and beauty.

The Eight Essentials

1. Eat five portions of fresh fruit and/or vegetables a day. This will get you the essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals) you need to keep fit, keep cool and fight disease. Plus the fiber from the freshies helps you clear out waste and absorb the benefits from other foods. Keep the refrigerator and fruit bowl stocked. Either eat them as snacks or discipline yourself to eating one meal a day of just veggies or fruit.

2. Drink at least 1 litre of water a day. Water is beneficial to your health and to your looks. It flushes the system of toxins and waste by preventing constipation, and it therefore helps protect against bowel cancer too. Plus, water moisturizes the skin from the inside out. You can cut down on expensive creams by upping your intake of water. Drink water with meals instead of juice, soda, and all other empty calorie drinks. Need Flavor? Any large super market carries those vitamin C packets that provide about 15 calories per serving compared to 100 + calories for most drinks. Guzzle your litres for a week and you’ll see the difference in your skin. You’ll notice it not only on your face but also on your legs!

3. Get fat wise. Fat is essential to your daily diet but we eat fat too much, often without even knowing it (it’s hidden in lots of processed food, for example). You know the damage it does, including clogging your arteries and cutting your life short. Be aware of when you are adding fat into your diet via cooking, spreads and dressings. We can get what fat we need from lean meat and fish, whole grain starches and vegetables. Limit saturated animal fats (butter, cheese, cream) and opt for vegetable oils in cooking such as olive, sunflower, linseed, and soya. However, fat restrictions taken to extremes will jeopardize your health and beauty. If you have gone overboard with ‘fat-freeness’, ask yourself if your hair is as shiny as it used to be. Is your skin noticeably drier? If so, introduce some natural fats (preferably unsaturated) back into your diet.

4. Stock up on antioxidants. These are the super- vitamins of our age, known to gobble up nasty free radicals (internal pollutants) in our bodies. Free radicals, if left unchecked, can weaken our DNA and cause heart disease and cancer. By eating your daily fruit and vegetables you are getting what you need. But if you are bombarded with added external pollution from smoking, bad air, radiation and stress, consider a supplement. Beta-carotene in the form of vitamins A, C and E and the mineral selenium, are the prime antioxidants. Red wines (especially young ones) are also a good source of antioxidants, but a glass or two is all you can justify as medicinal!

5. Limit caffeine to the morning and to three cups max. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and many cola drinks. It makes you jittery, inhibits the flushing out of toxins (allowing cellulite to build up) and causes headaches. As with most dietary dangers, it comes down to discipline and learning to enjoy it in moderation. If you haven’t discovered the delights of herbal teas (peppermint after a meal, chamomile after a hard day and lemon and ginger to cleanse the system any time). Why not try them now?

6. Restrict alcohol to four days a week, max. For those of us who love a drink, it is all too easy to find ourselves in the routine of drinking daily. This is when the alcohol can control you, not the other way round. The limit for women is 21 units a week (a small glass of wine being a unit), but women of slight build should aim lower before signs of liver damage set in. Like caffeine, alcohol is a toxin, but alcohol is also a source of unwanted, often uncounted, calories. So those sprawling hips or jelly thighs might be down to drink rather than food. Dependency can creep in unwittingly, resulting in mood swings, plunging energy levels and a weaker immune system. By all means, relax and enjoy a drink. Just keep it in control and detox your system three or four days a week with other beverages.

7. Graze! If you suffer from energy highs and lows or have an irregular system, eating small meals throughout the day will help you to metabolize food more effectively and keep you feeling energized all day long. High-energy natural snacks, such as dried apricots and prunes, bananas, fruit breads (e.g. date and walnut) and oatcakes, are filling and clear the head faster than anything. Even if you have a big, night out planed, better eat something beforehand rather than gorging yourself all at once later. Overstuffing your gut means a restless night and days of trying to get back on an even keel.

8. Know your Body Mass Index (BMI) and keep it in check. Your BMI accounts for your weight (in kilos) in relation to your height. The ideal index is between 20 and 25. Below 20 could be worryingly underweight and should be watched. If your index is over 35 you need to do something about the excess kilos before you develop serious health problems.
Try abiding by these eight essential rules for good health, an alert mind and a beautiful body.

Let's KEEP-IT-MOVIN til we Make it Happen!


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